Effects of 6-benzylaminopurine on inflorescence development and quality in four sympodial orchids

Parent Category: 1991

H. Zaharah and C. S. Lee


The effects of Benzylaminopurine (BA) on flowering and shelf life were studied on four sympodial orchid hybrids, D.Mary Mak, D. lladam Uraiwan, D. Jacquelyn Concert x Jester and O. Gower Ramsey. BA at all levels, when compared with the control, did not affect the flower number per inflorescence and the duration from flower emergence ta 50% or 100% bloom. There were significant interaction responses to BA and hybrid for the remaining variables. In spray length, reductions of l5-29Vo were observed at 200 ppm compared with the control for three hybrids except D. Madam Uraiwan. The percentage of bud drop was significantly higher in the Dendrobium hybrids at high BA levels of 400 or 800 ppm. However, in O. Cower Ramsey, the reverse effect was seen, with a higher percentage of bud drop in the control compared with the BA-treated plants. Deformed flowers increased significantly from 29% in the control to 28% at 800 ppm BA for D. Mary Mak. The shelf life of inflorescences was reduced from 33 and 55 days for the control to 24 and 27 days for BA at 200 ppm for D. Mary Mak and O . Gower Ramsey respectively.

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