Distribution and production characteristics of Friesian crossbred cattle in Malaysia

Parent Category: 1989

S. Sivarajasingam and A. R. Kumar


The performance of the Local Indian Dairy (LID) cattle, Friesian and their various grades of crossbreds were studied using generalized linear models with year, season and calving age as effects. A total of 19.4% of the F1 crossbreds had lactations less than 120 days and 57.1% of this genotype produced more than 1000 kg of milk and 22.0% produced more than 2000 kg of milk. Calving age was not correlated with lactation length. Year and season(based on rainfall levels)-within-year effects were highly significant in the model for all traits except days open. First calving age effect was significant only for days open. Average first lactation milk yield increased from 685 kg among the LID to 1 309 kg among the F1. The 62.5, 75 and 87.5% Friesian grades produced 1 513, 1 362 and 1 507 kg of milk respectively in the same lactation. There was a similar improvement in first calving age but the improvement in calving interval, days open and service period was inconsistent. Overall performance expressed as yield per day (birth to second calving) did not significantly differ among the crossbreds having 50% or more Friesian blood except for those resulting from inter se matings. Level of Friesian inheritance that gave highest yields was estimated to be 60%. Improvement of the present management standards will allow this level to be further increased for higher production levels.

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