Stratified mass selection for grain yield in the maize variety, metro

Parent Category: 1973

Wong Lock Jam


A simple method of stratified mass selection is described. After the fourth cycle of mass selection, the end-product was incorporated into a yield trial conducted at Tanjong Karang, Serdang and Lundang simultaneously. Also included in the yield trial were the Original, Metros KS. L, S and B. It was found that grain yield of Metros KS, L, S and B were lower than the Original by some 10-50% of the latter. There was no significant difference in grain yields between the Original and the improved, TK-4, though increases of f 14.7% and 25.7% were obtained at Serdang -- Lundang and Tanjong Karang respectively. Metro TK-4. however, significantly outyielded the entries B, L. KS & S.

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