Cross inoculation studies of pseudomonas solana-cearum from ginger

Parent Category: 1973

Lum Keng Yeang


A wilt pathogen of ginger was shouwn to be a weakly virulent form of Pseudomonas - solanacearum. It differed from the wilt pathogen from tomato in that it failed to cause wilt symptoms on tomato, tobacco, or groundnuts. However, the pathogen was easily recovered from inoculation sites on these plants. In Hawaii, a tomato strain has been reported which wilted tomato and peanut, but not ginger and tobacco; local tomato isolates caused wilt in all four species. The possible occurrence locally of a weakly pathogenic ginger strain, as distinct from a highly virulent tomato strain is suggested. Wilt symptoms on ginger are described; and the dispersal and control of. the wilt pathogen discussed.
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