Physico-chemical characteristics of Morinda citrifolia fruit during growth and maturation

Parent Category: 2010

M.S. Rosalizan, M.Y. Rohani and I. Khatijah


The physico-chemical changes of Morinda citrifolia fruit during growth and maturation were studied. The fruit took 15–16 weeks after fruit set to reach full maturity. Changes in skin colour began from the 12th week after fruit set. At this stage, the colour changed rapidly from light green to 60% yellowishgreen, and finally to yellowish-white at full maturity. The fruits remained firm throughout the growth period, but softened suddenly at the 16th week. The moisture content was higher in the mature fruit. The titratable acidity and total soluble solid increased significantly (p ≤0.05) as the fruit ripened. The fruit were rich in potassium throughout the growth period. They had substantial amounts of vitamin A, with the highest content at 11th and 12th weeks after fruit set. The ascorbic acid content was stabilized from the ninth week onwards, until the amount increased significantly (p ≤0.05) at the 14th and 15th week after fruit set. The fruit contain essential vitamins and minerals at all stages of development. The levels of minerals such as Na, Ca, Fe, P, Mg and Zn were fluctuated during the growth period.

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