Effect of packing methods on the quality of minimally processed green citrus cv. limau madu

Parent Category: 2008

M.N. Latifah, I. Ab Aziz, O. Fauziah and Y. Talib


Effect of packaging method on the quality of minimally processed (MP) green citrus cv. limau madu stored at 25 ºC was evaluated using insulated boxes lined with frozen gel (FG) and corrugated fibre board (CFB). Physical and biochemical changes were observed to relate with quality changes. Surrounding in-package temperature and relative humidity of the product was also recorded throughout the 3-day storage period. A decreasing trend in the weight loss was observed on the MP limau madu in FG packing, however, significant increase (p <0.05) to 0.32% was observed in CFB packing on day 3. The total soluble solids (TSS) in the FG packing was quite stable (12.5–13 °Brix) throughout the 3-day storage period. However, significant increase (p <0.05) in the TSS value (16 ºBrix) was observed in the CFB packing on day 1. There was no significant difference (p  >0.05) in the pH and total titratable acids (TTA) value between the two packing systems throughout the 3-day storage period. However, for the acid ascorbic content, the significant difference was observed only on day 2. Lower inpackage temperature (0–3 ºC) and high relative humidity (100%) was observed surrounding the MP limau madu in the FG packing until day 2. Whereas the temperature in the CFB packing increased from 19–26 ºC with RH 55–85% from day 0 until the end of the storage period (day 3). Overall acceptability of MP limau madu in the FG packing was still good with the average score was 6.8 even after day 2, but overall acceptability score in the CFB packing was only 5 on day 0. MP limau madu in the CFB packing was not acceptable after day 1.

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