Effect of different packagings and storage temperatures on the quality of fresh-cut red chilli

Parent Category: 2006

O. Zaulia, M. Razali, H. Aminuddin, D. Che Omar, K.H. Ng and M. Habsah


The effect of three different types of packaging namely, 250 ml polypropylene (PP) semi-rigid container, airtight PVC (aPVC) and non-airtight PVC (nPVC) containers was evaluated for storage of minimally processed (MP) chilli. The samples were stored at 2 °C for 4 weeks and 25 °C for 3 days. There was significant (p <0.05) changes in carbon dioxide (CO2) and ethylene (C2H4) production, and slight changes in total titratable acidity (TTA) and ascorbic acid (AA) content during storage at 25 °C. At 2 °C, the changes of TTA and AA content, CO2 and C2H4 production rates of MP chilli were reduced significantly (p <0.05). The percentage of weight loss of MP chilli packed in nPVC was significantly (p <0.05) increased during storage at 2 °C and at 25 °C. It caused faster dehydration. This occurrence can be prevented by using PP and aPVC packages. MP chilli in aPVC softened and became soggy quickly which might be due to condensation of water vapour from respiration and low O2 content in packages resulted in alcoholic fermentation. Microbiological analysis of MP chilli indicated a reduction in coliform contamination and increment in yeast and mould for all samples during storage at 2 °C. The storage life of MP chilli packed in PP can be maintained up to 4 weeks at 2 °C. However, at 25 °C the product can be stored for only 2 days. Therefore, PP container can be used for commercial packing of MP chillies at 2 °C compared to aPVC and nPVC.

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