Effects of peptide source on microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen digestion in steers fed high concentrate diets

Parent Category: 2006

A. Yusof Hamali


Six steers fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulas were used in a replicated 3 x 3 latin square to determine the effects of peptide source on the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis and N digestibility. Steers were fed corn-based diets supplemented with three different sources of nitrogen. The three treatment diets consisted of 1) corn + casein (CC), 2) corn + soybean meal (CSBM), and 3) corn + urea (CU). Mean ruminal NH3-N concentrations for CC, CSBM and CU diets were 7.13, 5.93 and 9.27 mg/dl, respectively. Steers supplemented with SBM had higher ruminal peptide-N concentration (p <0.02) and amino acid-N concentration (p <0.03) than steers supplemented with casein. Mean ruminal concentrations of peptide-N for CC, CSBM and CU diets were 56.67, 66.82 and 1.66 mg/liter respectively. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was not altered by ruminal peptide-N concentrations and averaged 13.89 g of microbial N/kg of organic matter (OM) digested for all treatments. Supplementation with SBM and casein tended to increase microbial N and NANMN flow but the difference between them was not significant (p <0.08). Mean microbial N entering duodenum averaged 65.0, 67.2 and 59.0 g/d for treatments CC, CSBM and CU respectively. Steers receiving SBM had 7.1% more microbial N flow to duodenum than steers receiving urea. Faecal N excretion was greater for steers receiving urea or casein than for steers receiving SBM (p <0.02, p <0.04) but total tract N digestibilities were similar among treatments. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was not increased by feeding diets that increased the concentration of peptides in the rumen.

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