Physico-chemical changes during ripening of ciku at different maturity stages

Parent Category: 2006

M.Y. Rohani and M.A. Siti Halijah


The maturity stage of ciku var. Subang at harvest influenced the flavour, taste and consumer acceptability of the fruit. Fruit harvested at 6.5 –7 months after flower opening did not ripen properly and had poor flavour and taste. During ripening the chemical properties were poorly developed such that the fruit contained lower total soluble solids (12 –15% Brix) and total sugars (7–10%). Fruit harvested at these stages (6.5–7 months after flower opening) were highly unacceptable. The best stage to harvest the fruit was at 7.5–8 months after flower opening. At this stage the fruit ripened properly within 4–6 days and the climacteric peak also occurred at the same time. The flesh colour changed to reddish brown and the total soluble solids and sugar contents increased to about 17–19% Brix and 12–15% respectively with pH 5–5.6. The proper development of total soluble solids, total sugars and acid contents gave the fruit good flavour and taste. Fruit harvested at these stages (7.5–8 months after flower opening) were highly acceptable.

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