Molecular analysis of microbial diversity in vegetated and devegetated forests

Parent Category: 2012

A.K.R. Emmyrafedziawati, M. Krsek and E.M.H. Wellington


Molecular diversity studies using taxonomic structural genes, 16S rRNA, were conducted to form the clone libraries to indicate the abundance of the bacterial genera dominating the semi-arid Mediterranean Santomera field which consists of vegetated (Fp) and devegetated (Fm) forests. Both areas had different soils which differ in the plant cover and the degree of the soil erosion. The soil samples taken from these plots were extracted for microbial DNA using the combination protocol of the conventional methods. The DNA was then amplified for the target 16S rRNA genes using the universal primers of P1 (reverse) and P2 (forward) with 35 cycles. The amplified DNA was cloned and these clones formed the libraries. Two phylogenetic trees were created (one for each plot) to show the proportions and relationship of the bacteria in the soils. Actinobacteria was the genera found to dominate 59% and 63% of Fp and Fm forests respectively. The specific results for Actinobacteria in clone libraries indicated the significant influence of organic matter on the bacterial community.

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