Growth characteristics and dry matter partitioning in sweet cherry rootstocks

Parent Category: 2002

S.T. Chong and P.K. Andrews


Greenhouse experiments were conducted on three sweet cherry clonal rootstocks in containers and mist chambers. The effects of applying the auxin transport inhibitor, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and scopoletin, an indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) oxidase enzyme inhibitor, on growth and dry matter partitioning of ungrafted rootstocks and those grafted with ‘Bing’ scions were studied. In the container experiment, the root:shoot ratios and internode lengths of Mazzard (Prunus avium L.), Giessen (Gi) 148/1 (Prunus cerasus x Prunus canescens) and Gi 148/8 (Prunus cerasus x Prunus canescens) rootstocks were directly related to their potential vigour. Scopoletin applied at 100 ppm reduced internode length but increased girth significantly (p <0.05) in all rootstocks. TIBA at 100 μM, however, had no significant effect on girth increment or internode length. Significant rootstock effects were observed for dry weight partitioning of leaves, new and old shoots, new and old roots. Vigorous Mazzard and Gi 148/1 rootstocks had higher dry matter partitioning into old roots and old shoots but less into leaves or new shoots than the dwarfing Gi 148/8 rootstock. TIBA and scopoletin had no significant effect on dry matter partitioning of different plant parts. The overall dry weight partitioning to leaves, wood and roots of all three rootstocks ranged at about 15 – 22%, 44 – 48% and 30 – 40%, respectively. In the mist chamber experiment, neither rootstock nor inhibitor treatments had any significant effects on root:shoot ratios, internode length or girth increment for the Gi 148/1 and Gi 148/8 rootstocks. There was also no significant rootstock effect on dry matter partitioning in the mist chamber experiment. Scopoletin and TIBA treatments had no significant effect on dry matter partitioning.

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