Respiration rate, ethylene production and chlorophyll content of the fruit and crown of pineapple stored at low temperatures

Parent Category: 2002

H. Abdullah, M.A. Rohaya, M.N. Latifah, M. Mohd. Selamat and S. Underhill


The changes in the respiration rate, ethylene production and chlorophyll content in mature whole fruits, fruit body (fruit without the crown) and crown of pineapple cv. “Gandul” during and after storage at various temperatures were studied. The fruit body and the crown behaved differently to the rate of respiration. The respiration rate of different portions of the fruit was influenced by temperature and length of storage. The ethylene production was very low in all portions of the fruit. The fruit body was affected by chilling injury when stored for more than 3 weeks at 5 °C. Crown deterioration took place at all temperatures and was not a form of chilling injury. The chlorophyll content of the crown and skin decreased during storage at 10 °C and after holding at 28 °C (ambient). The chlorophyll content of the crown did not necessarily indicate its freshness.

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