Control of leaf-miners and other leaf-feeders infesting angsana and pongamia trees of Malaysia via trunk injection

Parent Category: 1998

M. Md. Jusoh


Three experiments were conducted to determine the most effective insecticides, dosage and technique of injecting the insecticides into the tree trunk for the control of insect pests on angsana and pongamia ornamental shade trees. Monocrotophos, methamidophos and acephate were effective as trunk injection insecticides in controlling the leaf-miners on angsana, psyllid and Buprestid beetles on pongamia at doses of 6 mL (3.30 g a.i.), 6 mL (2.90 g a.i.) and 6 g (4.50 g a.i.) per tree respectively. No significant difference was recorded between three dosages of monocrotophos, i.e. 3 mL (1.65 g a.i.), 6 mL (3.30 g a.i.) and 9 mL (4.95 g a.i.) per tree, in reducing insect pest infestations on both angsana and pongamia trees. The one-point and three-point injection at 30 cm below the first crown as well as the three-point injection at 30 cm above the ground were more effective than the other trunk injection techniques in reducing Buprestid beetle infestations. For psyllid control, there was no significant difference between the six injection techniques tested. The work rate obtained with the three-point injection technique was 320 trees/man-day.

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