Chemical characteristics of papaya for specific product requirements

Parent Category: 1997

A. H. G. Chin, O. Normah, J. S. Chia and A. Normah


The specific product requirements of papaya (Carica papaya  L.) cv. Eksotika II and cv. Subang (a red-fleshed variety) processed into jam, fruit sauces, fruit roll and candied fruit bits were investigated. The standard processing methods established by MARDI were used. Chemical analyses of the raw papaya and its products were carried out. The moisture content in raw ripe papaya was high (84–88%), whilst its products could be divided into medium moisture products (fruit sauces 50–57%) and intermediate moisture products (jam 19–24%, candied fruit bits 12–19% and rolls 9–12%). Sugar content in raw papaya ranged from 9% to 12% and the content was higher in the papaya products (candied fruit bits 62–71%, jam 68–75% and rolls 78–80%). Fat content was low in papaya and its products (0.06–2.02%). Microbial counts were not detectable and total metal contents were present at low levels (not detectable to 1.96 mg/100 g). These results were stored in a database as guideline characteristics for specifications of papaya and its products.

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