The potential of intercropping cabbage with a legume vegetable on peat and bris

Parent Category: 1996

A. C. Leong, A. Zaharah and H. J. Lim


A study on long bean and french bean as intercrops of cabbage at three fertilizer levels was conducted over two crop cycles in 1991 and 1992 on peat and bris. A replicated 2x3 factorial with cabbage, long bean and french bean monocrops as the controls was laid out in a RCB design. Intercropping long bean and french bean with cabbage as the main crop is agronomically compatible as cabbage yield was not affected by any of the intercrops. The current recommended fertilizer rate (NPK at 250:40:250 kg/ha) for cabbage was sufficient to support both cabbage and the intercrop, indicating improved efficiency in nutrient use. Both intercropping systems recorded a total land equivalent ratio greater than that of the monocrops, illustrating increased land productivity. Generally, based on net returns per hectare, no economic advantage was noted for the intercropping systems on bris. However, on peat, the best intercropping system was cabbage + long bean based on yield and net returns per hectare.

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