Quantification of woody biomass after clearing of peat forest
Analysis on the spread of a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus on tomato in Malaysia
Pilot application of residual insecticides as grain protectants for paddy stored in silos
Kinetics and modeling of red pigment fermentation by Monascus purpureus FTC 5391 in 2-litre stirred tank fermenter using glucose as a carbon source
Physical, chemical and quality properties of starfruit juice, agglomerate and drink
Precipitation of protein, proximate analysis and amino acid composition of waste effluent of prawn processing
Physical and chemical properties of pineapple juice, agglomerate and drink
Effect of packaging on the storage quality of fishburger
Organoleptic acceptability and nutritional properties of the sweetpotato-based traditional cakes produced using sweetpotato flour
Effect of milling degree on the sensory characteristics of various cooked rice dishes
Performance of locally isolated microorganism in degrading palm kernel cake (PKC) fibre and improving the nutritional value of fermented PKC
An evaluation of a basic IPM system for the control of coffee berry borer on Liberica coffee
The influence of genotype and media on callus induction and green plant regeneration of F1 genotypes of Oryza sativa L.
Effect of frond pruning on the vegetative and reproductive performance of local salak palm (Salacca glabrescens Griff)
Fermentation conditions affecting growth and red pigment production of Monascus purpureus FTC 5391
Stability study of the extracted mycelium bound lipase activity of Aspergillus flavus
Growth, flowering and cut flower quality of spray chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) cv. V720 at different planting densities
Defoliation of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) cv. Reagan Sunny for improved flowering and cut flower quality
Development of cabbage webworm, Hellula undalis (Fabr.) on head cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Determination of andrographolide and neoandrographolide levels in hempedu bumi (Andrographis paniculata Nees) grown under rubber ecosystem
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Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science (JTAFS)
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