Mycalesis oroatis ustulata Distant (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) – a newly discovered rice leaf feeder in Malaysia

Parent Category: 1994

A. Z. Abdul Latif


A leaf-eating lepidoptera closely resembling the greenhorned caterpillar, Melanitis leda, was discovered from a rice field at Alor Pasir, Tumpat, Kelantan. It was identified as Mycalesis oroatis ustulata Distant (Fam: Satyridae). Female butterflies laid eggs either singly or in groups of 2–3 rows on the upper surface of the rice leaves. The eggs hatched in 5 days and the larvae underwent five instars in about 15.7 days. The larvae fed voraciously on padi leaves removing leaf tissues (including veins). The pupae took about 6–7 days before emerging into adults.

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