A glutinous and short-stature mutant of the rice variety Manik

Parent Category: 1994

O. Mohamad, O. Ramli and J. Mahmud


A glutinous and short-stature mutant was induced in the rice variety Manik by treating seeds with gamma rays at 20 krad. The mutant, Manik 817, was on the average 30 cm shorter than its parent. The inheritance of the glutinous characteristic was investigated. In a cross with the non-glutinous variety Sekencang, the F1 seeds were non-glutinous, but the glutinous characteristic segregated as a single recessive factor in the F2 seeds. In crosses with three released glutinous varieties, all the progeny seeds were glutinous indicating that they all possess the same gene. In comparison with these glutinous varieties, Manik 817 was the shortest with an average culm height of 68 cm. It was a late variety and matured in 146 days, but was only slightly later than Pulut Siding by 3 days. Manik 817 yielded 4 t/ha about the same as Pulut Siding, but both were not significantly lower yielding than Pulut Malaysia I. Manik 817 produced outstanding head rice recovery, averaging 80.6%. Its milled rice grain was long and very slender, while its cooked rice tasted as good if not better than Pulut Siding, and was generally less sticky. Although Manik 817 was similar to Pulut Siding in its yield potential and maturity, it had better potential in terms of shortstature against lodging, head rice yield and eating quality.

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