Study on intercropping cabbage with four leafy vegetables on peat

Parent Category: 1993

A. C. Leong and C. S. Lee


Intercropping cabbage with four common leafy vegetables at two fertilizer levels was studied over two crop cycles on peat in 1989 and 1990. A replicated 4x2 factorial with cabbage monocrop as the control was laid out in a RCB design. Intercropping cabbage with leafy vegetables is agronomically compatible as its yield was not affected by any of the intercrops. The current recommended fertilizer level (250:40:250 of NPK kg/ha) for cabbage was sufficient to support both cabbage and the intercrops, indicating improved efficiency in nutrient utilization. Foliar analysis of composite sample of the cabbage heads showed non significant differences in levels of major nutrients, giving further evidence that the current recommended fertilizer rate was sufficient to support both the main crop and the intercrop. All the intercropping systems recorded total land equivalent ratios greater than that of the control. The best intercropping systems were cabbage + spring onion and cabbage + lettuce based on yield and net returns per hectare. The same intercropping systems appear to have the potential of reducing bacterial soft rot and Hellula infestation in cabbage.

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