Selection for early cassava clones

Parent Category: 1992

S. L. Tan


The potential for selecting early clones of cassava, harvestable at 6 months instead of the traditional 12, is good. Efforts in this direction have resulted in the selection of a clone CM 3906-31 capable of yielding 36 t/ha at 6 months on drained peat and 43 t/ha at 6 months on mineral soils in areas which do not experience a distinct dry season. Where a dry season of 2-4 months occur within the cropping season, 6-month root yields were severely depressed. CM 3906-31 also showed flexibility in harvesting time, being as high yielding or higher yielding than Perintis at the 12-month harvests. Although having a high harvest index (efficient in partitioning assimilates towards economic yield)' CM 3906-31 tends to have a low starch content in the roots. Planting early clones shows an economic advantage over l2-month clones. particularly at the levels of yield which may be expected of CM 3906-31. Over an 8-year cropping period which allows for seven crops of Perintis and 12 of CM 3906-31, theoretical calculations indicate a profit advantage ranging from $1 182/ha to $2 126/ha per year from CM 3906-31 at market prices for fresh roots varying from $83/t to $116/t.

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