Planting density and pruning system studies on bananas cvs. Mas (AA) and Berangan (AAA) I. Effects on growth, time to harvest and production trend

Parent Category: 1992

M. Zabedah and C. S. Lee


A study to determine the effects of density and pruning system on the performance of two cultivars of bananas Mas and Berangan was conducted at MARDI, Jerangau, Terengganu and MARDI Serdang, Selangor. The rate of growth was slowest at the highest density (4 444 plants/ha). Density significantly influenced the time to harvest and plants at the highest density took the longest time followed by plants at the intermediate and lowest density. Pruning system did not influence the time of harwesting the plant crop but significantly influenced the ratoon crop. Harvesting trend of both cultivars showed that plants at the highest density took the longest time !o complete each harvesting cycle.

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