The relationship of primary and secondary rachis branches to total spikelet number in the rice panicle
C. Y. Tay and O. Othman
Among the 14 released varieries of rice studied, no significant relationship between panicle length with total spikelet number, total primary and total secondary rachis branches per panicle were found. However, there were significant positive linear correlations between total spikelet number with total primary rachis branches and total secondary rachis branches per panicle. Secondary rachis branches accounred for 76.7% (off-season) and 91.3% (main season) of the variation in total spikelet number in the panicle. Most of the primary and secondary rachis branches were located in the middle and bottom sections of the panicle. Variability in numbers was more acute in the secondary rachis branch parameter. Improved Mahsuri, Bahagia" Pulut Malaysia Satu, Sekembang and Kadaria are varieties with high secondary rachis branch number and high (secondary: primary rachis branch) ratio. They are useful genetic sources for increasing spikelet number in the panicle.
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