Maturation of Malaysian fruits 111. Storage conditions and ripening of guava (psidium guajava L. Var. Gu3 and Gu4)
W.J. Broughton and S.F. Leong
Physiological changes were measured during the storage and ripening af two varieties of guava-GU3 and GU4-during storage under different atmospheres and temperatures.Temperatures of about 20oC prolonged the storage life of the fruits while temperatures below 10oC were detrimental to fruit quality. High humidities and removal of carbon dioxide enhanced ripening while low humidities adversely affected fruit quality. Fruits ripened by indole-3-yl-acetic acid treatment were of poor quality. Storage life was prolonged with the continuous removal of ethylene. Recommended storage conditions are: temperature - 20oC with complete removal of ethylene from the storage atmosphere coupled with high relative humidity (+ 85%) and a suitable concentration of carbon dioxide (less than 10%). For quick ripening, application of 50-100 opm ethylene coupled with the removal of carbon dioxide from the storage atmosphere is beneficial.
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