Parent Category: 1981



The energy requirement for maintenance of pen-fed adult indigenous sheep is reported. This is based on data from 51 digestibility trials involving 671 sets of data which included the main daily intake of digestible organic matter (D), mean live weight (W) and the mean daily change in live weight (G). Calculation of the mean maintenance requirement was achieved from the general formula D : a Wk + b G. The data was first grouped into three categories: G : 0, -ve or +ve and calculations made of k, the exponent relating body weight to surface area, but statistically significant differences (P<0.01) were found between these. The mean values and ranges of the values were W = 21.6 kg (15.5 - 27.7 kg) and G = -0.02 (-0.5 - +0.5 kg). Since an accurate calculation of maintenance is best established when G = 0 in energy equilibrium, the corresponding equation was found to be D = 0.0301 W0.748 + 0.012 G (± 0.033). It was calculated that the mean maintenance requirements was 471.8 KJ ME/0.75kg/day. This value falls within the range of several values reported for sheep in temperate environments and is approximately similar to the value of 471.8 KJ ME/0.75kg/day reported for tropical sheep in the West Indies. It is stressed that under grazing conditions outdoors, the maintenance requirements would be considerably higher, and remains to be determined. Practical recommendations are given for indigenous sheep in Malaysia in a table of maintenance requirements in the body weight range 15 - 40 kg.

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