The relationship between grain shape and size, and their effects on the milling quality of rice
M. Y. Rohani, A. Samsudin and M. A. Hashifah
The objectives of this study were to determine the correlation between the length of padi and milled rice and the effects of mixing contrasting grains on the milling quality of rice- It was found that there was a positive correlation between the length of padi and the length of milled rice. For long grain classification, padi with 8.6 mm length will correlate with milled rice of 6.2 mm length. For medium-grain varieties, padi length of 7.3 mm will be correlated with 5.2 mm length of milled
rice. Long-grain varieties have a slender shape as shown by the length/breadth ratio of milled rice of more than 3. Varieties such as Makmur (MR 73), Manik ( MR 52), Muda ( MR 71) and Sekencang (MR 7) fall into this category. All medium-grain varieties studied have medium shape with the length/breadth ratio between2 .71 - 2.87.
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