Variability in fruit characteristics of Chokanan mango (Mangifera indica L.)

Parent Category: 2018

F. Abdullah

This study was conducted with the aim to evaluate the characteristics of Chokanan mango at harvest. The Chokanan fruits were harvested from selected trees in commercial mango plot at Sintok MARDI Research Station, Kedah, Malaysia. Data on the fruit characteristics such as weight, length (L), width (W), thickness (T) and total soluble solid (TSS, °Brix) were measured and recorded for 13 weeks. The results revealed high significant differences (p <0.001) in terms of recorded weight, W, L, T, size (W x L x T) and TSS of the Chokanan fruits among the selected trees. The mean value of the fruits weight at harvest ranged from 120 to 380 g and TSS ranged from 14.5 ºBrix to 22.8 ºBrix. In the present study, the distribution of fruits weight was skewed to the left indicating larger percentage of smaller fruits, but normal distribution was recorded for the TSS. Apart from that, high significant correlation (R2 >0.80) was found in the weight and size, L, W and T of the fruits. However, the weight and size of Chokanan were inversely correlated with TSS. The coefficient of variation (cv) differed among the harvested trees with the highest were recorded on weight and size of fruits (cv = 9.5 and 11.4, respectively). Finally, the possible causes of variability of Chokanan fruits were reported and discussed.

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