Comparison of CIDR and FGA oestrus synchronisation regimes in the local Dorset Malin ewes for fixed time laparoscopic intrauterine insemination

Parent Category: 2005

B. Abdul Rashid and H. Jamsuri


A study was carried out to evaluate the response of the local Dorset Malin ewes to FGA (n = 27) and CIDR (n = 27) oestrus synchronisation and their fertility after fixed time intra-uterine insemination. The ewes were synchronised with FGA or CIDR for 12 days and 400 IU PMSG was injected intramuscularly on the day of FGA or CIDR removals. Ewes were inseminated intra-uterine with thawed frozen semen using laparoscopic technique at 55 h after FGA or CIDR removals. There was no significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) on the mean onset time of oestrus between FGA or CIDR treated groups at 32.7 ± 6.2 h and 35.4 ± 5.6 h respectively. The lambing rate and prolificacy for FGA and CIDR treated ewes were 73.9% and 1.88; and 79.2% and 1.58 respectively. The differences in the lambing rate and prolificacy between the FGA and CIDR treated ewes were not significant (p ≤ 0.05). The lambing rate obtained in this study at more than 70% in both the FGA and CIDR synchronised ewes were reasonably good for wider application of fixed time laparoscopic intra-uterine insemination for genetic improvement of the local sheep through crossbreeding with imported improved sheep breed. Other than for genetic improvement, the use of imported frozen semen in AI will reduce the health risk associated with importing of live animals.

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