Analysis of nutritional value and essential oil chemical composition of Sarawak’s medicinal herb kacangma (Leonurus sibiricus)

Parent Category: 2005

H.P. Chua, B.A. Fasihuddin, A. Aminah dan M.H. Wong


Kacangma (Leonurus sibiricus L.) has been consumed for decades by the people of Sarawak as herbal medicine and culinary ingredient. Analysis of nutritional value (proximate, minerals and vitamins) and essential oil chemical composition on two varieties of kacangma, namely Leonurus sibiricus (LS) and Leonurus sibiricus var. albiflorus (LA) with maturity stages of 40, 70 and 100 days were conducted to obtain data for standardization of kacangma products. Crude fibre, carbohydrate, minerals P, Ca and Fe contents increased with the plant maturity while protein, ash, Na, K, vitamins A, B2 and C contents declined. Vitamin B1 showed no significant difference. Fat content declined at maturity stage of 70 days but increased again at 100 days. Kacangma at maturity stage of 40 days showed higher nutritional value especially in minerals and vitamins. Overall, LS contained higher level of nutrients as compared to LA except for vitamin A. Extraction of kacangma essential oil using hydrodistillation method showed low content of essential oil in both LS and LA. Analysis using gas chromatography/flame ionization detector and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) showed very low percentage of monoterpenes at all three maturity stages. Kacangma at maturity stage of 100 days contained higher percentage of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, aldehydes and fatty acids.

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