Preliminary results from varietal improvement of Mokara orchid through mutagenesis

Parent Category: 2003

A.A. Fadelah and C. Sapawi


In Malaysia, mutation breeding of ornamental plants has only been used to improve agronomic traits in orchids and chrysanthemums. Orchid hybrids Mokara Chark Kuan (pink) and Mokara Chark Kuan (orange) were selected for this project. Both explants (a portion of a plant either tissue, organ, a few cells or part of a callus mass taken for culture in vitro) and protocorm-like bodies (PLB) (structures formed by tissue explants or callus in vitro) were given gamma ray treatment at predetermined rates of 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 Gy. After years of culturing, the plantlets were then transferred to the nursery. Evaluation and selection of potential mutants were conducted until the flowering stage. Mokara Chark Kuan (pink) showed positive result when irradiated at 40 Gy. The mutant showed longer flower stalk with many flowers and bigger flower, as compared to the control hybrid. However, the next aspect to consider is its propagation through tissue culture, so as to be able to supply planting materials that are true to type.

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