Heterosis in Eksotika x Sekaki papaya hybrids

Parent Category: 2001

Y.K. Chan


Two hybrids derived from crossing two Eksotika lines (L19 and L20) with Sekaki were evaluated at two locations i.e Serdang (mineral soil) and Pontian (peat soil). Pontian was the more favourable location for papaya, having a mean yield that was 3.8 times higher than Serdang. Heterosis (over the better parent) in yield was evident, ranging from 47.5% for L20 x Sekaki to 72.5% for L19 x Sekaki. Heterosis in yield arose mainly from gain in fruit weight of hybrids rather than increase in number of fruits. No heterosis was found for fruit number, stem diameter and total soluble solids (TSS). The dramatic yield increase in L19 x Sekaki hybrid was negated by the high occurrence (55%) of carpelloid or ‘cat-faced’ fruit. On the other hand, L20 x Sekaki had acceptable levels of this malady and with significant increase in yield and higher sugar content, may be a potential candidate for replacing the current Sekaki cultivar.

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