An evaluation of the reproductive performance of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) in Malaysia

Parent Category: 1999

E. A. Engku Azahan and M. Noraziah


Egg production, laying pattern and egg fertility and hatchability were evaluated from a group of African Black ostriches in their first laying year in Malaysia. The female ostriches attained sexual maturity at the mean age of 24.1 months. Eggs were laid throughout the year with no distinct laying season observed. The laying pattern was generally characterised by clutches of 1–16 eggs interspersed with pauses in laying which lasted 6–100 days. The average egg production was 38.8/ female/year with a mean egg weight of 1 282 g. An average fertility rate of 88.0% was achieved by the birds while hatchability rate from the total number of eggs set was 68%, the difference being due to losses through embryonic deaths.

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