Kesan pembungkusan atmosfera terubahsuai pada mutu buah betik yang disimpan pada suhu rendah

Parent Category: 1997

M. N. Latifah, Z. M. Ali dan H. Lazan


Effect of modified atmosphere packing on Eksotika papaya in individual bag during storage at ambient (28 °C) and 10 °C was studied. Unpacked fruit were treated as control. Changes in the skin colour, development of chilling injury and gas compositions (O2, CO2 and C2H4 ) in the package were observed during storage at both temperatures. Colour changes in packed fruit stored at ambient occurred very slowly till the end of the 3-week storage. Control fruit ripened after 7 days. Gas composition surrounding the fruit (altered from the normal levels to low level of O2 and high level of CO2 ) possibly had influenced the change in colour during storage at 10 ° C, and subsequently upon ripening at ambient. At 10 ° C, packed fruit remained acceptable even after 6 weeks, whereas control fruit could only be stored up to 2–3 weeks. Chilling injury was very obvious in the control fruit during storage at 10 ° C. The injury became more serious when the fruit were transferred to ambient temperature.

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