Development of e-SIAAP, an IoT based monitoring and forecasting application for brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens)

Parent Category: 2022

Arina, M.N.*1, Nuraini A.A.S.2, Muhammad Aufa M.B.3, Mohd Fitri M.4, Mohd Zul Fadzli M.1, Yuhanawati M.Y.3 and Wan Mohd Syafik W.H.2


Brown planthoppers (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens) are among the major pests of rice that have brought heavy losses in Malaysia. Its early detection is crucial because this pest is a virus carrier that can cause tremendous yield loss to rice. With this, designing an early warning system is a critical element for the BPH outbreak management system. In this research, an IoT-based monitoring and forecasting system was developed for BPH outbreaks. The system consists of hardware and software components. The hardware component consists of the light trap, image capturing device, and a weather station. A special application called e-SIAAP was developed to integrate all the data from the hardware and automatically calculated and map the outbreak risk index according to light trap location. An alert system was developed to send SMS to the user when their area was at high risk. By using this system, it can reduce labour usage, speed up control measures and increase the efficiency of detecting the probability of a BPH outbreak.

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Keywords: brown planthopper (BPH), early warning system, IoT, pest outbreak, rice pest

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