Growth dynamics and chlorophyll response to media volume of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) seedling using peat blocks under nursery conditions
Sebrina Shahniza, S.*, Sabrina, A. R. and Masnira, M. Y.
While various factors influencing crop growth have been extensively researched, the impact of media volume quality on seedling growth of chilli, particularly when using peat blocks, remains understudied despite its crucial role in providing support and nutrients. An experiment at the Horticultural Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) Serdang, Selangor, studied how different growing media volumes affected chilli seedlings’ growth dynamics and chlorophyll response. The experiment, conducted from May 20 to August 12, 2022, used one, two, and three-inch volumes in a randomised complete block design with four replications. The Logistic Model function determined that the three-inch volume showed the highest potential for plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf area per plant. The maximum growth rate for plant height (77.803 cm/week) and stem diameter (0.907 cm/week) occurred at the second week after planting (WAP) with the three-inch volume. The same treatment had the highest growth rate for the number of leaves (23.421) and for leaf area per plant (1051.14cm2) at the fourth WAP. The three-inch volume also had the highest relative chlorophyll content (40.37%) and chlorophyll fluorescence (0.82 Fv/Fm) at the fourth WAP. In conclusion, a media volume of three inches demonstrated the greatest efficacy, promoting improved growth and chlorophyll response in chilli seedlings.
Keywords: chlorophyll fluorescence, media volume effect, relative chlorophyll content, seedling development, vegetative growth response