Farm income analyses of milk production operation in simulated smallholder systems

Parent Category: 1991

W. E. Wan Hassan, S. Sarmin and O. Ahmad Shokri


Three experiments were conducted consecutively for a duration of 4 years to examine the effect of pasture types (Setara sphcelata and a mixture of Brachiaria decumbens - Leucaena leucocephala), management systems (rotational grazing versus cut and carry) and levels of concentrate supplement (0, 4 and 6 kg fresh weighy/cow per day) on the farm income from milk production in simulated smallholder dairy units. Each unit was one hectare in size and stocked with 5 Sahiwal-Friesian cows. Experiment 1 was without concentrate supplement. Lactation yields of 4 392.4, 6 903.7,7 114.7 and 9 104.1 L,/ha were recorded for Setaria and Brachiaria-Leucaena cut and carry, Setaria and Brachiaria-Leucaena rotational grazing system, respectively. The second and third experiments were based on Brachiaria-Leucaena rotational grazing. A concentrate supplement from 0 kg (G2/BL0) to 4 ke (G2BLA) fresh weigh/cow per day (11MJ/kg DM and 150 g/ kg DM CP) in Experiment 2 increased milk yield from 7 831 L to 13 165 L and when the concentrate was raised from 4 kg (G3BL4) to 6 kg (G3/BL6) per day in the third experiment, milk yield was further increased from 14 365 to 16 941 L/ha. The net farm income per hectare from milk in Experiment 1 was $5 117, $2 938, $1 499 and ($33) for G/BL, G/S, CC/BL and CC/S respectively. In Experiment 2, the income increased by $885/ha per lactation from $4 029 when the animals were supplemented with 4 kg concentrate/cow per day and a further increase of $442 with 6 kg concentrate/cow per day. These results indicated that smallholder dairy units based on Brachiaria-Leucaena rotational grazing system and supplemented with concentrate are economically viable and are competitive with other agricultural enterprises such as those of rubber and oil palm.

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