Nematod parasit tumbuhan pada tanaman tembakau di Kelantan, Malaysia
Yield performance and selection of Robusta coffee progenies at Kluang, Johore
Relationship between damages of stem, branch and roots, and the pepper vine decline syndrome in Johore
Evaluation of local feedstuff-based diets for Pekin ducks
Numerical analysis of variation among Mangifera indica L.accessions
(Effects and control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, on guava plants, Psidium guajava L.)
Sebatian perisa dalam minyak halia (Zingiber offtcinale) dan lengkuas (Languas galanga)
Farm income analyses of milk production operation in simulated smallholder systems
Hydrochemistry of MADA irrigation water
The insecticidal activity and efficacy of some insecticides against Helopeltis theobromae Miller on cocoa
Effects of 6-benzylaminopurine on inflorescence development and quality in four sympodial orchids
The trend in morphological growth of goat testis and its relationship to semen quality
Energy requirements for pregnancy and some reproductive characteristics of Kedah-Kelantan Brahman x Kedah- Kelantan crossbred and buffalo heifers.
Laying performance and egg quality of four strains of layer duck fed diets with various levels of energy
Effects of different planting densities and schedules on chilli-cabbage intercropping
Copper toxicity of clove [Syzygium aromaticum ( L.) Merr. and Perry] seedlings
Time of harvest and seed quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum)
Chemical,microbiological and sensory quality changes of semi-cooked "roti canai" during low temperature storage
Minimal tillage in cassava cultivation on peat
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