Evaluation of local feedstuff-based diets for Pekin ducks

Parent Category: 1991

E. A. Engku Azahan and M. Noraziah


Two experiments were conducted to determine the rerelative performance of intensively-reared Pekin ducks fed three diets based on corn, tapioca or rice products. These diets were formulated to contain approximately equal amounts of protein and energy. The diets were supplemented with methionine, choline chloride and mineral and vitamin mixture. Results indicated that there were no significant differences due to diets on growth. productive performance or mortality. Similarly, carcass yields were not affected by differences in diets. However, the colour of feet, shanks, bills and skin of birds from the rice and tapioca-based groups was distinctly pale yellow in contrast to the bright yellow exhibited by ducks fed the corn-based diet. It was concluded thar borh rice and tapioca producs could partially replace corn as an energy source for Pekin ducks reared intensively.

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