A lysimeter study on the effect of watertable on cassava grown on peat
Voluntary intake and digestibility of straw and hay supplemented with silages or lucerne by yearling cattle
Relationship of age of sunflower seedlings to infection by Plasmopara halstedii
Identification of promising materials from a seedling population of cashew based on nut number and nut weight
Seasonal variation in yield performance of 16 cashew clones on bris soil
Rat spatial distribution pattern and its relation to pod damage in a cocoa-coconut planting system
Potassium quantity and intensity variations of soils under anaerobic condition in relation to their mineralogical properties
Towards the development of an integrated pest management system of Helopeltis in Malaysia
Comparative study of padi yield loss due to Echinochloa crus-galli infestation and Leptocorisa oratorius attacks
Induction of nitrate reductase activity and mRNA accumulation in rice
Molecular cloning and characterization of nitrate reductase genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Fruit rot of guava caused by Botryosphaeria sp.
Effect of shearing on growth performance, water balance, thyroid activity and heat production of crossbred rams
Distribution and production characteristics of Friesian crossbred cattle in Malaysia
The rationale for deflowering in pepper (Piper nigrum L. var. Kuching) cultivation
Effect of anti-mould agents on the quality of preserved decanted solid from palm oil mill effluent
Smallholders cocoa production in Sabak Bernam: Implications on economies of scale
Cocoa butter characteristics of Malavsian clonal cocoa
Some toxic effects of boric acid on rats
Effects of carbon tetrachloride (CCla) on aflatoxin biosynthesis by Aspergillus flavus
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Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science (JTAFS)
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