Performance of layers fed high levels of broken rice and tapioca as a direct substitute for maize

Parent Category: 1975

Syed Ali bin S. Abu bakar, Yeong.S.W and Seet.C.P.


A 40 week feeding trial was conducted to test the performance of commercial layers fed high levels of broken rice and tapioca as a direct substitute for maize. Six erperimental diets,viz. 60% maize diet as control. 30%  maize + 3 0% broken rice , 60%  broken rice, 30%, maize + 30%, tapioca, 60% tapioca, 30%broken ricc and 30% tapioca were used. The other 40% part of all the rations was constant.It was found that egg production performance of layers fed high levels of broken rice was comparable to maize.The performance of birds fed high tapioca (60%) diet was badly affected and differed significantly (P <0.05) with the other groups. No significant difference (P <0.05) was observed when 30% maize was replaced by 30% tapioca as compared to the control diet. Lack of xanthophyll in the high broken rice and tapioca diets caused the egg yolk colour to become  pale ,but this deficiency was corrected by the  addition of artificial xanthophyll in the diets.

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