Effects of plant height, maturity and climatic factors on the population of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) on chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
Effects of peptide source on microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen digestion in steers fed high concentrate diets
Residue of paraquat in noni fruits
The decline of pesticide residues in the air of three rain shelter farms at Cameron Highlands
Characterization of humic acid from humification of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre using Trichoderma viride
Diversity and use of traditional fruit species in selected home gardens or fruit orchards in Malaysia
Cymbidium mosaic virus and odontoglossum ringspot tobamovirus genes cloned from infected Oncidium orchids
Detection and analysis of carotenoid pigments in pummelo (Citrus grandis cv. Melomas) fruit peel using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography
Isolation and expression of the genes encoding the early carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes in the fruit peel of pummelo (Citrus grandis cv. Melomas) during maturation
Preliminary studies on direct plant regeneration from stem segments of pummelo (Citrus grandis) cv. Melomas
Substrate specificity of lipases from four species of Aspergillus towards hydrolysis of homoacid triacylglycerols and vegetable oils in non-aqueous system
Aeration and agitation strategies for the improvement of red pigment production by Monascus purpureus FTC 5391
Improvement of red-pigment-producing fungal strain (Monascus purpureus FTC 5391) using monospore isolation technique
Effect of different packagings and storage temperatures on the quality of fresh-cut red chilli
Toxicological evaluation of dried kacangma (Leonurus sibiricus) in rats: I. Blood chemistry, body and organ weight changes
Quality evaluation of retailed packed Malaysian milled rice sold in the market
Effects of milling degree on the chemical composition, physico-chemical properties and cooking characteristics of brown rice
Effects of root restriction on growth, flowering and water uptake of starfruit
Effects of rates of organic fertiliser on growth, yield and nutrient content of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) grown under shelter
Effects of different sizes of planting material on the establishment and precocity of durian
Yield performance and selection of potential Liberica coffee clones
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Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science (JTAFS)
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