Control of bacterial wilt of tomatoes in the lowlands through grafting

Parent Category: 1976

K.Y. Lum and H.K.Won 


Bacterial wilt, the major limiting factor to large-scale cultivation of tomatoes in the lowlands, can be successfully overcome when tomato scions are grafted onto selected resistant brinjal rootstocks. Grafts are totally compatible; for perfect union, four-week old scions and six-week old rootstocks are recommended. Using local brinjal varieties 'Hitam Bulat' or 'Sabah Common' as rootstocks, the incidence of bacterial wilt can be consistently reduced to below ten percent in fields where ungrafted tomato cultivars suffer total loss. 

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Studies on Kedah-Kelantan cattle II. The effect of feeding increasing levels of tapioca (Manihot utilissima Pohl) on growth

Parent Category: 1976

C. Devendra and T. Lee Kok Choo


This paper represents paper two concerning further studies on Kedah-Kelantan cattle. The objectives in this trial were to further assess and confirm the growth potentials inherent in this breed by increasing the energy supply through the addition 40, 60 and 80% tapioca chips in the concentrate fraction. 36 calves of about 6 to 8 months age and weighing approximately 81 kg, were allocated by weight to three treatments each replicated twice in a completely randomised design. They were group fed on Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) ad libitum and with one or other of the three concentrate iso-nitrogenous diets whose main ingredients were copra cake, molasses and urea. The animals were fed to appetite in which the grass and concentrates made up 75 and 25% of the total daily D.M.I. ln treatment 3, urea represented the sole source of dietary N. The trial lasted for 490 days and changes in body measurements,live weight gain and efficiency of feed conversion were measured. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the parameters measured. However, the best daily live weight gain of 312.9 g. confirms the value of 318.7 g. previously published and the higher growth capacity of these cattle than was previously believed. The data in comparison to an earlier study also suggested that up to 60% tapioca chips in the concentrate diet was optimal. There were also statistically significant (P<0.01) correlations between heart girth, height at withers, body length, hip width with live weight. It was also demonstrated in this trial that it is quite feasible to feed urea exclusively as the N source. The significance of these results on the performance and productivity of Kedah-Kelantan cattle in Malaysia is discussed.

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Protein sources for feeding pigs in Malaysia Part II. Groundnut Meal

Parent Category: 1976

Hew Voon Fong and C. Devendra


20 Duroc-Landrace pigs were used to determine the effects of replacing soybean meal with peanut meal on the performance and carcass characteristics of pigs. The diets included a corn + soybean control diet. corn + soybean + groundnut meal diet, corn + groundnut meal diet, corn + groundnut meal + lysine + methionine diet and a corn + soybean+ groundnut meal + yeast diet. No significant differences in the performance and carcass characteristics of the pigs were observed in all the treatments. lt is suggested that peanut meal is a suitable replacement for soybean meal. 

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Repeatability of reproductive traits among Kedah - Kelantan cattle

Parent Category: 1976



Repeatability of calving interval, gestation period and service period have been estimated to be 0.35 ± 0.10, 0.05 ± 0.09 and 0.19 ± 0.10 respectively for Kedah-Kelantan cattle. The use of these estimates for selection procedures were discussed. 

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Evaluation of design parameters of wheels operating on soft padi soil 040109

Parent Category: 1976

Ooi Ho Seng


A literature review was made on the relation between physical properties of the soil and trafficability. The soil characteristics in the Muda area was studied. Effect of water table level on.soil strength was noted to be significant. In the study on the traction phenomenon in soft paddy soil, it becomes obvious that both bearing and traction capacities of the soil must be considered in the design of the wheel. Design specifications of a tyre for typical soft padi soil condition were derived from theory and tyres meeting these specifications were acquired and field tested. The results obtained strongly indicate good correlation between the actual field performance of the tyre and the theory presented.

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